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Three Ways to Organize Your Planner

Between classes, work and everything else life throws at us, it seems almost impossible to plan accordingly - let alone, to stay organized. One thing that I have heavily relied on (other than having some great friends and professors to keep me on my toes), is my planner. My planner is my life. I use it after every class to jot down notes for next class, assignments and my work schedule. Without it, I think I would feel completely lost starting each day. How to keep your planner organized? Here are three tips that I highly recommend!

Color Coordinate

Highlighters. Markers. Colored pens. Whatever you prefer, put some color into your planner! Not only will it look super eye-catching, but it will be color coordinated in a way that you can easily identify what job you have that day, what time you work and major assignments that may be due. Use one color for work, one color for clubs/organizations and another color for major assignments that are due that week. This will help you keep track of what color is for which thing. You can even switch up the colors so that you don't get bored of always using the same ones every week!

Put Which Class With Which Assignments

As a full-time student, you are either taking four or five classes minimum. Which class and which assignment? Eventually, it can all be work-overload. May be a tedious quirk I have, but I always write my classes for each assignment. It's easy to keep track of and makes finding the assingment description online that much easier!

Put Times and Places

This also sounds pretty tedious, but by putting times I have work and club meetings, I know what times I am available to sit and do homework and what times I need to be somewhere. With everything that goes on during the busy day of a college student, it's easy to mistrack time. Staying organized has made it easy for me to keep track of all that I have going on for the day.

Staying organized doesn't take much and it helps make the day that much smoother (at least that is what I have found to be true for me). Organizing my planner has helped to keep me in-check throughout my college years. Being on a tight budget doesn't mean you have to buy a super, expensive planner either. I have spent no more than 10 dollars on mine, so don't feel obligated to go out and buy something out of budget. Make it fancy. Add pictures of your friends from home, your family or your boyfriend. And to keep it even more creative and organized, don't forget to color coordinate!

For other planning suggestions and reorganizing, I highly suggest clicking the link below!

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