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The Do's and Don'ts of College

Whether you are in college now or will soon be a freshman next semester, college teaches you lessons that life outside of school can't always give you. You learn real quickly what it's going to take to survive (or barely survive) the next four years of your life. Being a senior, I can honestly say that adjusting to college isn't going to happen overnight. It takes some planning, a little bit of negotiating and truly finding what it is you're passionate about. And with that also follows some do's and don'ts of college.

DO: Have a social life - Having a social life is a great thing. Going out with friends, getting involved on campus or a date night with your boyfriend is a must...just remember to keep up with your school work.

DON'T: Forget that school comes first - Remember the main reason why you went to school is to get an education. Unfortunately, having fun is second priority.

DO: Try new things - College is all about getting involved and is a chance to really be who you want to be. It allows you to branch out from who you were in high school and to really find something you enjoy. Because there are so many ways to get involved, you're almost guaranteed to find something you love!

DON'T: Feel pressured in doing something you don't want to - Just because all your friends are doing it doesn't mean you have to. Don't feel like you have to be a completely different person when you go to college. Figure out what you love and do it.

DO: Take naps - You're going to be exhausted, so taking a nap is sometimes just a package deal when going to college. Make sure you are getting enough sleep to actually function the next day, even if it does involve a mid-day nap.

DON'T: Oversleep - Sleeping in and coming into class late isn't the "cool" thing when you're in college (actually it's pretty embarrassing). Always always always set an alarm!

DO: Take a night off of school - Sometimes all we need is a night to ourselves. Curl up in bed and turn on a movie. You might find that taking the night off may help you come back the next day feeling more refreshed and determined.

DON'T: Fall behind - Taking a night off of school doesn't mean to take the whole week off. Make sure you are still on schedule with all your assignments.

DO: Plan your schedule out for the week - Planning and staying organized will make your days much smoother. Keep a planner of your assignments and work schedule for that week - it'll help you more than you know.

DON'T: Try to plan your schedule out for the entire semester - Why? Because it's impossible. Things change all the time and you can't predict the future. Take it one week at a time.

Trust me, you'll figure out more college do's and don'ts as you make your way to your senior year. Be ready to work hard, stay up late and have fun. College is going to make you work, but it's worth every moment of it - so take advantage of the opportunity while you can because it will be gone before you know it!

I wanted to give a quick shout-out to you all for supporting my blog for my senior capstone project this semester! This blog could not have been possible without the support of all of you, so thank you so much again for being a part of this journey with me. I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have!

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