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Five Ways to Manage Your Stress

Just when we thought college was all fun and games, little did we know what we were really getting ourselves in to. Late nights, lots of coffee and never enough sleep. But who said stress only comes from managing our busy schedules as college students?

I recently found a study by Jeff Grabmeier (2015) where he stated that seven out of 10 college students feel stressed about not only their classes, but about their personal finances. Nearly 60 percent said they are concerned about having enough money to pay for school, which leaves about half to worry about paying their monthly expenses.

Sometimes it's just all too overwhelming. If you're anything like me, breaking down in tears happens on a regular when life seems too much to handle. Between keeping up with your assignments, working to pay off rent and still trying to be actively involved on campus can all just seem too much sometimes. Plus we all need a social life too, right?

How to get around this anxiety and pick yourself back up? Here are five ways that I've learned to manage my stress throughout my college years!

1. Exercise

Seems pretty obvious. But for me, I often convinced myself that I never had time to go to the gym and get a small run in. I have learned that sometimes it's best to just walk away from what I'm doing and keep my mind wandering elsewhere - even for just a half hour.

2. Listen to Music

Ever since I could understand words, I have always loved listening to music. It doesn't matter what mood I'm in. However, I have dealt with my stress much of the time by listening to music that really reflects my mood. Blasting it in my room when my roommates aren't around or plugging my headphones into my computer while scrolling through Instagram definitely helps to keep me sane for a few minutes.

3. Go Out

We have to live a little...right? Go out. Plan a girls night out or a fun date with your boyfriend. College doesn't have to be stressful all the time.

4. Call Your Mom

Ranting actually helps. Call your mom (she can't refuse to listen to you) and tell her what's going on. Tell her how you're feeling and the stress you're dealing with. I have done this more times than I can even count, and trust me, it helps (thanks mom)!

5. Take the Night Off

Sometimes all we need is a break. Take the night off. If the assignment you are working on isn't due the next day, why stress about it so much in one night? I have often found that taking a night off of school and spending it in my bed watching a movie has helped me come back the next day with a more positive attitude.

Between classes, work, practice and meetings, it can all seem too much to handle at times. Do something that eases your mind and something you can enjoy. Believe me, it's okay to take a break from it all sometimes. For other ways to reduce stress, click on the link below!

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