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9 Things Only College Teaches You

No matter where you go to school, what you major in or the organizations you become a part of on campus, we have all learned the hard way as a college student - and maybe a little too many times. But for what it's worth, we have all been there and have hopefully been able to take something away from it.

There are some things about life that only college can teach you. Some of it learned the hard way, and others that we have just accustomed to learn over time. Below is a list of 9 things that I have personally learned throughout my college years, and I'm sure many of you can agree!

1. Procrastination At Its Finest

It doesn't matter if it's been a 3 page paper or a ten page paper, we've all done it. The stress, exhaustion and anxiety we feel makes us think twice about ever procrastinating again (until the next paper assigned). Life happens, and with that, so does procrastination. It's times like these when we wished we could have managed our time better, but at least we know how to deal with procrastinating much better than we ever did before college - and that's a plus, right?

2. Effectively Managing A Schedule

Between classes, work, meetings and sporting events, we have learned that managing a schedule is a must and have actually gotten pretty good at it. We get into a routine of knowing where we have to be at what time and often times don't even have to think twice about it - it's almost like second nature.

3. Getting Involved In A Little Too Much

College teaches us the opportunity to get involved. Whether that is in a sport, an organization or an on-campus job, we learn that getting involved is important. So that's exactly what we do, and then before we know it we become bombarded with all these different things. We're busy, which has often taught us responsibility and more importantly...time management.

4. Work Ethic

Even outside of college, we've learned that life requires us to work. College has allowed us to get through even our toughest times, and with that, has taught us the value of work ethic. We have learned what it takes to succeed - something that our jobs outside of school can't even mount up to.

5. Functioning On Just A Few Hours Of Sleep

Let's face it - we're lucky if we even get 6 hours of sleep a night. Going to bed late and waking up for our 8 a.m. lecture is something that doesn't seem to faze us at all. We've gotten pretty good at being able to stay up late, wake up early and do the same thing all over again the next day.

6. Working In Groups

We've all been forced to work in a group, which has taught us how to work with others (even those we don't necessarily get along with). But that's the beauty of it. We have been forced to manage how to work with others despite the resentment we may feel, and what a great way to practice this before the real world.

7. Being Independent

Being away from home (more importantly, our parents) has been nothing but trouble for many of us. From getting home at 3 a.m. on a school night to skipping out on groceries for the week to pay for rent, we have learned to be independent - and not always the easy way. We know what it takes to be on our own and are somehow less afraid to face the real world once it hits...for now anyways.

8. How To Have Fun And Be Productive

We have learned how to have fun, but more importantly, how to be productive. We know when we have to be serious and skip a night out with our friends. Over our college years, we have learned how to balance both - a quality that not everyone has attained just yet.

9. Being Prepared For The Future

When we graduate, we feel more ready than ever stepping into the real world. We're more sophisticated, more professional and more mature than we've ever even imagined (well, almost). We've been taught to get through our toughest times and accepting even the worst of our outcomes. We have failed and succeeded - one of the many things that have prepared us for the next steps in our lives.

Last semester, I had the opportunity to interview senior at Aurora University, Meghan Chrum, who was able to share an experience that some students can relate to. She is an out-of-state student who says that college is definitely a "culture shock". Being a Spartan Ambassador on campus and having an off-campus job as well, Meghan shares her most difficult struggle in college, tips on how she manages her schedule and even gives a bit of insight about the great experience she has had at AU's Career Services Department. Click on the videos below, I promise you won't regret it!

"College is a huge culture shock." After asking Meghan how she stays organized, here is what she said.

Check out Meghan's most difficult struggle throughout her college years...I'm sure some of you can relate!

On campus at AU, Meghan has really enjoyed the Career Services Department. Here is a bit of insight as to what she had to say!

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